


S + V

Birds sing.


S + V + SC

The student is a geek.


S + V + O

The hot girl gives me a hand.


S + V + O + OC

She named her cat kitty.


S + V + IO + DO

I gave him some advice.



句型一】:S + Vi  (主詞 + 動詞)



Ex: Money talks. (有錢能使鬼推磨)

Ex: Time flies. (時光飛逝)



(1)      S + Vi + adv


è Every student studies arduously in the classroom.


(2)      There + Vi (be) + S + (Prep + O)


è There is a nerd with a comic book in front of my table.


(3)      S + Vi + Prep + O


è The metrosexual makes eyes at me.


(4)      S + Vi + to VR

Ex: They cannot afford to buy a Mercedes-Benz.



【句型二】: S + Vi + SC  (主詞 + 不完全不及物動詞 + 主詞補語)



主詞補語 (SC):用來補充說明主詞


Ex: Patrick is an English teacher.

      S  V       SC




(1)      S + Vi (連綴動詞) + SC,此時的SC有下列的情況。



He is a doctor.


This dictionary is yours.


The crux is how to solve the problem.


This is what I think.


Her bad habit is eating.


He seems (to be) very happy today.

To see is to believe.


He looks pale.

He is healthy / in good health.


They stood watching the boys play ball.


He stood astonished at the sight.


The post office is on the corner.


The light was out.

The party is over.



  • Ø         如果SC是形容詞的時候(動詞 + 形容詞),通常可當片語來記憶,前面多加主詞即可形成句子。


come true 實現

go mad發瘋

run short 短缺

go bad 壞掉

run wild到處蔓延

feel sleepy 想睡

hold good生效

fall sick生病

fall asleep 睡著

get angry生氣

feel blue感到憂鬱

wear thin磨薄

stay healthy保持健康

stay beautiful保持美麗

sit heavy重壓

feel conceited感到自負

lie still 躺著不動

keep silent保持沉默

stand still站著不動

get better病情好轉

run dry乾涸



(2)      It + be (seem) + SC + to VR


è It is / seems cool to work in the Office of the President.


(3)      It + be(seem) + SC + that-Clause (強調句)


è It is yesterday that he went to Japan.




句型三】: S + Vt + O     (主詞 + 完全及物動詞 + 受詞)




She speaks English. (她說英語)

He is always exaggerating himself. (他總是自誇)

I must avoid making mistakes again. (我必須避免再犯錯)

He likes to swim. / He likes swimming. (他喜歡游泳)

I don’t know what to do. (我不知道該怎麼辦)

I know where the beautiful girl lives.


We insisted that the murderer (should) be punished severely.


the + adj

We honor the brave. (我們尊敬勇者)



²     常見以「動名詞」為受詞的動詞

acknowledge 承認

admit 承認

appreciate 感激

avoid 避免

cancel 取消

can’t help 不得不

consider 考慮

complete 完成

contemplate 考慮

defer 延期

delay 延遲

deny 否認

enjoy 喜歡

escape 逃避

evade 逃避

fancy 想像

finish 完成

forgive 原諒

imagine 想像

mind 介意

miss 錯過

postpone 延遲

practice 練習

quit 戒除

recommend 推薦

resist 抵抗

resent 怨恨

risk 冒險

suggest 建議






(1)      S + Vt + + 介系詞 + 身體部位

Ex: He kissed his girlfriend on the cheek to show his love.



Ex: He tapped me on the shoulder to show his friendly.



(2)      S + Vi + 介詞 + O

不及物動詞 + 介系詞 = 及物動詞

Ex: He laughed ________ me. (他嘲笑我)

Ex: She stared ________ her computer. (她一直盯著她的電腦)


  • Ø         此類「不及物動詞 + 介詞 = 及物動詞」有:

account for = explain 解釋

add to = increase 增加

apologize for + 為某事道歉

arise from 起因於

ask for = request 請求

bring back = recall 使回憶

bring out = reveal 顯示

call down = scold 斥責

call for = require 需要

call on = visit 訪問

call off = cancel 取消

call up = telephone 打電話

compensate for 賠償

contribute to 促成

deal with = tackle 處理

depend on = rely on 依賴

get on = enter 搭乘

get over 恢復

get through = finish 完成

get through = undergo 經歷

go with = match 相配

insist on 堅持

keep on = continue 繼續

laugh at = tease 譏笑

lead to = reach 通往

listen to 傾聽

look after = attend 照顧

look at = watch 注視

look into = investigate 調查

look for = seek 尋找

look over = examine 校對

look up 查詢

occur to 想到

pick out 選擇

pick up = learn by 偶然學得

put off = postpone 延遲

put out = extinguish 熄滅

show off 炫燿

speak of = mention 提及

stand for = represent 代表

result from 起因於

result in 導致

suffer from = undergo 遭受

take after = resemble 長得像

take off = remove 脫掉

take up 感興趣

throw away = discard 放棄

try out = test 試驗

turn down = reject 拒絕

turn off = shut off 關閉

turn on = put on 打開

turn out = extinguish 關閉

wait for = await 等候

worry about 擔心



(3)      S + V + 介副詞 + O (名詞)

動詞 + 介副詞 = 片語動詞/雙字動詞

Ex: He returned home and put his coat on.

 è He returned home and put on his coat.



  • Ø         此類片語動詞有

ask out = invite 邀請

back up = support 支持

bread off = terminate 中斷

bring back = return 歸還

bring out = produce 生產

bring to = revive 使……歸還

bring up = rear 養育

build up = increase 增加

call down = reprimand 責備給

call off = cancel 取消

call up = telephone 打電話給

carry out = accomplish 實現

check up = examine 詳查

cheer up = inspire 鼓舞

clear up = clarify 澄清

do over = repeat 重作

drop off = leave 離開

figure out = calculate 算出

find out = discover 發現

give off = release 放出

give out = distribute 分配

give up = abandon 放棄

hand in = submit 交出

hold off = delay 延遲

keep up = maintain 維持

leave out = omit 省略

look over = examine 檢查

make out = understand 了解

look up = consult 查閱

make up = invent 杜撰

mix up = confuse 使…..混亂

pick out = select 選擇

point out = indicate 指出

put away = store 貯存

put down = suppress 鎮壓

put off = postpone 延期

put on = clothe 穿….

put out = extinguish 撲滅

put together = assemble 組合

put up = construct 興建

sell out = liquidate 清算

pick up = collect 拾起

set forth = display 展示

set off = launch 發射

stir up = incite 煽動

take off = undress 脫掉

take on = employ 雇用

take out = extract 拔掉

take up = discuss 研討

talk over = discuss 討論

tear down = demolish 拆除

think up = invent 想出

throw away = discard 丟棄

throw up = vomit 吐出

try out = test 試用

turn down = refuse 拒絕

turn in = submit 交出

turn off = terminate 關掉

turn on = switch on 開啟

turn over = transfer 移交

wake up = awaken 喚醒






   Ex: He waited for a bus.



   Ex: He waited for an hour.



   Ex: We called on Wendy.



   Ex: He called on Wednesday.




(4)      S + V + 介副詞 + 介系詞 + O (名詞/代名詞/動名詞)

Ex. I am looking forward to your coming. (我正期待你的來臨)



  • Ø         此類三字動詞有

be in for 一定會受到

brush up on 溫習

come down with 病倒

come up to 到達

check up on 調查

catch up with 追上

do away with 廢除

drop in on 順道拜訪

fall back on 求助於

fit in with 一致

get away with 拿走

get along with 相處

go back on 違背

live up to ….行動

look down on 瞧不起

look up to 尊敬

put up with 忍受

run away with ….私奔

keep abreast up / with …..並駕齊驅






句型四】:S + Vt + O + OC   


受詞補語 (OC):用來補充說明受詞

Ex: We consider Mr. Lee a good teacher.

    S    V      O       OC



(1)       S + Vt + O + + (to be) + OC (N)


è We elected him leader of our class.


(2)       S + Vt + O + OC (to-Vr)


è Some companies require you to sign a contract.


(3)      使役動詞:

S  +  make / have  +  O  +  adj,表示「受詞主動」。

      S  +  make / have  +  O  +  pp,表示「受詞被動」。



        è Andy’s blue jokes make us laugh wildly.



è Where did you have your hair cut? It looks awful!


(4)      感官動詞:see, hear, smell, feel, perceive, witness



S  + 感官動詞  +  O  +   V-ing,表示「進行」



Ex: I saw Jack bully a little boy.

   Ex: I saw Jack bullying a little boy.

   Ex: I saw Jack bullied by a group of gangsters.



句型五S + Vt + O1 + O2  (主詞 + 及物動詞 + 受詞1 + 受詞2)

 常見的授與動詞有:give, bring, send, show, lend, write, hand, pass, deliver,

                   teach, tell, sell, pay, owe, promise, offer, buy, get, leave,



(1)      S + Vt + DO + + IO

此句型介詞用to的動詞有:do, give, bring, send, show, lend, teach, write, sell,

                           offer, tell, hand, promise, pass, take…

此句型介詞用for的動詞有:make, buy, get, leave, choose, order, sing…

此句型介詞用of的動詞有:ask (a favor of sb)

此句型介詞用on的動詞有:play (a trick on sb)

此句型介詞用at的動詞有:throw (sth at sb)

此句型介詞用against的動詞有:bear (a grudge against sb)


(2)      S + Vt + IO + of + DO


accuse 控告

deprive 剝奪

warn 警告

acquit 宣告無罪

inform 通知

cheat 欺騙

notify 通知

remind 提醒

convict 定罪

suspect 懷疑

relieve 解除

cure 治癒

persuade 說服

relieve 解除

ease 減輕

convince 使信服

strip 剝奪

rid 解除




(3)      S + Vt + IO + for + DO


ask 要求

forgive 原諒

punish 逞罰

blame 責罵

reward 報答

praise 稱讚

excuse 原諒

search 搜查

scold 責備

thank 感謝

thank 感謝

mistake 誤解

remember 記得





(4)      S + Vt + IO + from + DO


prevent 阻止

discourage 勸阻

save 拯救

prohibit 禁止

dissuade 勸阻

rescue 營救

deter 阻礙

hinder 阻礙

deliver 拯救

restrain 阻止

keep 保持

protect 保護

stop 阻止

free 免於

distract 使分心

preserve 保護


(5)      S + Vt + IO + with + DO


acquaint 熟悉

arm 武裝

bother 打擾

credit 記在帳上

charge 控告

entrust 委託

favor 幫助

furnish 配置

help 幫助

load 裝載

oblige 借錢給

present 贈送

provide 供給

serve 供給

supply 供給

trouble 打擾

trust 委託





(6)      S + Vt + IO + into + DO


argue 說服

bribe 賄賂

frighten 恐嚇

persuade 說服

reason 說服

talk 說服





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